The Fanatic! Fantasies Project


The scenario: Imagine that you are going to be a guest on Harmony In My Head. You're going to want to pick out your favorite 8-9 songs for broadcast, but you want to make sure your selections are good because you'll really want to knock Henry and his audience of Fanatics out. What 8-9 songs do you choose?

Want to participate?* Email me and I'll tell you what to do.

*Disclaimer: This is NOT a contest. You will not actually be a guest on Harmony In My Head if you participate. This is pure fantasy -- a way for fellow Fanatics to share their music picks with other fans of Harmony In My Head.


Friday, April 21, 2006

Sarah B.

Direct Download

01. Killing Joke - "Communion"
02. Curve - "Recovery"
03. Minor Threat - "In My Eyes"
04. Mirwais - "Disco Science"
05. Laibach - "B Mashina"
06. Tones On Tail - "Christian Says"
07. Sister Machine Gun - "Closer To Me"
08. Run DMC vs. Jason Nevins - "It's Like That"
09. Heywood Banks - "Toast"